Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Junaid
2 min readAug 22, 2020

Facing distraction is not uncommon in today’s world of technology. A single beep of notification on face book or message on whats app can kill our important time and can cause a big loss in terms of not completing an important task within deadline.

So, in order to avoid this distraction many methods are devised. One of them is Pomodoro. I was introduced with this term by My coach Ms. Qurut-ul-Ain few days back and then I learned about this in Amal’s online course.

Pomodoro in action:

Last week on a busy day in office, I decided to implement this technique to complete my tasks on time. I set alarm of 25 minutes and initiated working on preparing a report. Although it was not easy to stay focused on my selected task because of phone rings and other urgent issues but somehow I managed to redirect them to other concerns and keep working till the alarm ring. In this way I continued to work on 3 different tasks with four pomodoro and then I took the break and saw my cell phones for notification and addressed my emails. This activity helped me to finish more tasks in same amount of time as of the other days.

Now I daily practice this technique to do my official assignment. I also finished Amal online course’s few sections with this technique. However since I am new to this “25 min rule” or Pomodoro type things so its getting difficult for me to ignore message or calls but I am trying to make it my habit to ignore non urgent things to get most of the available time.

Thank-you team Amal for reminding me about this term again :)

